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Fundamentals of Risk Management for Accountants and Managers- Tools and Techniques
有關Fundamentals of Risk Management for Accountants and Managers- Tools and Techniques的詳細介紹如下:
Both financial and non-financial managers with accountability for performance at either a strategic level or for a business unit have responsibility for risk management, in terms of failing to achieve organisational objectives. Fundamentals of Enterprise Risk management is structured around four parts and 26 self-contained chapters. Each chapter will have ample practical examples and illustrations/mini-case studies from retail, manufacturing and service industries and from the public and not-for-profit sectors to enable the reader to understand and apply the concepts in the book.
Paul M. Collier, Senior Lecturer, Management Accounting, Department of Accounting and Finance, Monash University in Melbourne, Australia
作者: Paul M. Collier
Fundamentals of Risk Management for Accountants and Managers- Tools and Techniques