New Trends of Political Participation in Hong Kong, Joseph Y.S. CHENG, 9789629372330, 城市大學 , 書局, 網路書店, 金石堂,

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New Trends of Political Participation in Hong Kong,作者:Joseph Y.S. CHENG,出版社:城市大學,ISBN:9789629372330


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有關New Trends of Political Participation in Hong Kong的詳細介紹如下:

New Trends of Political Participation in Hong Kong,作者:Joseph Y.S. CHENG,出版社:城市大學,ISBN:9789629372330

《New Trends of Political Participation in Hong Kong》

At a time when there is a developing ideological gap among generations and a degradation of trust between people and the institution of government, there are concerns whether young people's political participation activities will continue to radicalize.
This volume in 15 chapters serves as a useful overview of various significant aspects of the new trends of political participation in Hong Kong. Written by a team of experts who have been astute observers of Hong Kong Politics, the book covers a wide spectrum of topics ranging from a conventional understanding of political participation (e.g., the activities of political parties and interest groups) to a more specialized form of participation (e.g., the relationships between government and legislators in policy-making). The study of the rise of new social movements by the Post-80s generation would be of particular interest to those who are keen to comprehend the sharpening inter-generational differences.
There will be a readership among academics and university students. This can also be a valuable reference for the media, policy-makers, or anyone interested in Hong Kong politics.

New Trends of Political Participation in Hong Kong,作者:Joseph Y.S. CHENG,出版社:城市大學,ISBN:9789629372330

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